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Acupuncture, Herbs, and Medical Supplies

Acupuncture Supplies Herbal Supplies Medical Supplies
4630 University Drive
Suite 351
Coral Springs, Florida 33067
Patents Acumarket sells a limited supply of Mayway patents only. They carry both the Min Shan style and the Mayway Teapills. Though selection is limited the price is definitely right if you can find it here. Credit cards and secure check out. Free shipping if over 150$.
Blue Poppy Herbs
5441 Western Ave, #2
Boulder, CO 80301
(800) 487-9296
Fax (303)245-8362
BluePoppy does require registration for their formulas, but not for their externally applied products. Most of the formulas at BluePoppy were created by Bob Flaws. You won't find the typical Xiao Yao Wan type stuff here. Instead Bob seems to have created some special formulas for specific problems and TCM patterns. Their selection is not wide, but the formulas are definitely interesting, well thought out and worth taking a look at if the old standards seem to be inadequate. Secure check out and all that jazz.
Crane Herbs
745 Falmouth Rd.
Mashpee, MA 02649
508-539-2369 (fax)
CraneHerb requires you to be a student or practitioner to have an account with them. Once you have an account, the web site changes and the prices and ordering info appear. They sell just about every single herbal formula you can think of; Blue poppy, K'an, Golden Flower, Nuherbs, Giovanni, etc. As a bonus they carry the Helio Medical Supply catalog for acupuncture supplies, including AcuGlide and AcuMaster needles. Check out is secure but you give them your credit card info when you sign up and that is what gets billed.
3820 Penniman Avenue
Oakland, CA 94619
Tel: (800) 233-4307
Fax: (800) 550-1928
Again an account is necessary. Their line includes classical formulas for practitioners, their own formulas, and even formulas specifically labeled well for patients. All are GMP qualtiy and made at the Lanzhou factory and they definitely have some great prices.
Pittsfield, MA 01201
413-448-2122 Fax
One of the few stores where an account is not necessary. Spanda has a variety of companies, notably K'an, Golden Flower, Blue Poppy, and more. They also have a decent supply section of moxa, plasters and also acupuncture books. Secure check out but the site is lacking any images of products so you have to know what you want.